Friday, January 4, 2008

365 Photos

I' ve been in a slump. Creating makes me happy so I've decided to commit to creating every day. I plan to take at least one photo every day. I'm not going to get technical with these shots - I don't have the equipment for that - they'll just be everyday shots of my life. I'm going to get ideas from the Photo Idea Index by Jim Krause though to help get creative shots. The first bit of the book is on point of view. The goal for this week is to take shots at different angles and just try new things.

I've also joined the Layout a Day Challenge for the month of Janaury at Big Picture Scrapbooking. It's day 4 and so far so good! It makes me happy to just commit to putting something down on the page rather than fret about how "good" it will look when it's finished. Love that the time constraints totally make this no pressure scrapping!